How strong are the organization’s capabilities to be highly informed about the internal and external environment, and risks, events and opportunities that may influence or compromise enterprise resilience?
How effective is the board’s oversight of emerging risks and other evolving external risks such as geopolitical developments, uncertain economic conditions, and climate risk? Does it have the information, expertise, and professional skepticism it needs to challenge management in these areas?
Has the board participated with management in one of its cyber breach simulations in the last year? How rigorous was the testing? Has the board had a cybersecurity maturity assessment performed?
Does the board understand management’s strategy for AI, including the process to prioritize investment in AI capabilities, use cases and underlying infrastructure?
How is the company using classical and generative AI to challenge the existing business model and key strategic assumptions?
Does the company have sufficient controls and procedures over nonfinancial data? Is internal audit providing any type of audit coverage on ESG-related data? Has the company considered doing a pre-assessment on their processes and reporting in advance of obtaining external assurance?
If ESG-related matters are currently being discussed in more than one place (e.g., continuous disclosure filings, earnings releases, analyst communications, annual report, sustainability report, company website), is there consistency in the disclosures? Has the company evaluated controls related to such disclosures?
In light of the changing environment, what additional voluntary proxy disclosures might be useful to shareholders and stakeholders related to the audit committee’s time spent on certain activities, such as cybersecurity, data privacy, business continuity, corporate culture and financial statement reporting developments?