How can candidates access the virtual experience?
The experience can be accessed via the following link: This will be shared across our social media channels, during events, our careers site and you can add to your email signatures.
There's a lot of content within this the experience, how do you expect candidates to navigate this?
The experience is designed to appeal to apprentices, interns and graduates. And naturally each of these candidate pools will be at different stages of their career journey. Therefore the experience is designed to allow exploration and create intrigue for candidates to navigate our world, in their own way.
Is the experience mobile optimised?
Yes. The experience can be accessed via mobile devises and viewed in portrait mode.
How can I support with promoting the experience to my networks?
We have a range of content that you can use to further promote the experience. You can share via Smarp, our careers social media channels and from our careers website.
There appears to be a technical issue with the experience, who do I contact?
Should you identify any technical issues with the experience, please contact:
How long will the experience be active?
Our world. Your way is our student campaign for FY22 and will be live for the duration of the student recruitment cycle.
When does the experience go live?
The experience will be live from Monday 13th September 2021
What next?...
The initial activation covers all our core objectives outlined here. As the student recruitment progresses throughout the year, we will tailor the social activation to focus on specific areas that require further attention. This could be focusing on regional hotspots or diversity and inclusion.
How does this concept combat digital fatigue?
The experience is designed to engage the audience in a range of ways to diversify the delivery of content, this could be video, audio, articles, interactive polls and thoughts leadership. With this candidates will receive bitesize, varied information.
How was the concept formulated?
The concept has been created to align to the 4 core objectives set out by the Student Leadership team in March 2021. This combined with the market insights and shift in climate all contributed to the formulation of the Our world. Your way concept.
How do we know if candidates are viewing the experience?
Throughout the experience we will have various analytics that will allow us to monitor and understand the performance.